15M explained from inside

Lately everyone is talking about the recent revolts related with the 15 of may 2011, a day that will surely me remembered as the sign that there is a difference between democracy as a political system and as a brand.

Everyone out there knows the Italian government with Berlusconi on the top, talking rubbish about women and political opposition, for a moment forget about political ideologies… here in Spain the young and the old are massively unrelated to right or left, only a few dinosaurs yet unbury the death from the civilian war or say “This didn’t happen with Franco”.

Anyone here is related with the concept of  “cultura del pelotazo”, which spread in the 80’s and than can be summarized in “fuck bitches, get money”, that, is the main idea every single Spaniard is thinking about since democracy kicked in decades ago, whether to embrace it or criticize it.

It came a moment where the only way to get a contract with the government was having a friend in the government, and it didn’t really care how good you performed, as Spanish people is so lazy that they oppose little to no resistance to corruption and incompetence.

Not only that but the “old ones” (people over 40) started creating labor schemes to have youngsters jumping from a sucky job to a suckier one in order to earn very little money.

If you put that together with the political and economical incompetence, a socialist leader with no idea on economy, the power full of “conseguidores” and “comisionistas” (intermediaries), syndicates only worried about those “old ones” and 5 millions of (young and angry) unemployed labor work you have got a very nasty situation (OBVIOUSLY!).

It will be a matter of time before Internet becomes a buzz with personal data of the corrupts, the location of their yachts, their mansions and what are their friends and families working at… this situation means war for a lot of people, not of course for me, I mean them, the anonymous ones which have no names and are countless: now go catch them if you can.

We better do something civilized and ethically appropriate before this goes further as we all love peace and democracy.