Not that much experience

One of the most usual lies is saying that someone has got more experience on Java than they really have got.

For once in a time we are going to post a blog entry in English, we are used to post in Spanish, but what the hell… the opportunity deserves it.

It is a usual situation to find people saying they have got more experience than they really have, that really annoys me, especially when it happens in work interviews or when the liar is a work mate.

One of the most usual lies is saying that someone has got more experience on J2EE or Java than they really have got.

But yesterday I saw a huge lie about experience in a supposedly important blog and I thought: what a lying moron. Someone said that he have been working in Java AND J2EE since 1996… when that is simply impossible.

The guy I am talking about posted the following sentence in December 2005 in his blog: “First off, let me say that I’ve been using Java and J2EE technologies since 1996. I’m a fan.”, sorry man, I don’t know if you are a fan, but you are liar, that is for sure. Or should I remind everyone that J2EE was pre-released on 1999.

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