Obama versus Zapatero and Rajoy

President Obama said “what a week!” at the 2011 WHCA dinner on April the 30th, indeed it was. Everyone thought he was talking about the birth certificate issue, but he was really talking about what happened 24 hours before, he gave the final green light for the assault of Osama hideout at Pakistan.

Now we know that the assault could have been done that same day, was the weather a little less cloudy at Abbottabad, just imagine Obama entering the WHCA with the head of Osama yet warm, that would have been something worth to see.

Anyway reelection is almost guaranteed after such a feat, in fact the way Obama punched Donald Trump about the certificate issue at the Correspondent dinner seems a little too much after the success of the Osama “capture”.

It is amazing how much differences you can appreciate between Obama and the kind of leaders we have got here, Spanish 2011 elections reminds me of the movie “Wargames” (1983) because here in Spain “The only winning vote is not to vote”, no doubts participation at the polls will be low this year, but, who would vote for the politicians we have got, not me that is for sure.