How linkedin is starting to suck through discussion tailoring

Linked-in groups has always been a personal promotion tool but lately it starts being full of trolls using the Discussions feature to promote commercial products and services without reliable data or common sense at all.

It is an insult to intelligence to see how several commercial vendors are using linked in discussions to promote their products in an extremely biased way, negating facts and erasing content when they fell it doesn’t meet their commercial needs.

Just take a look at the following discussion about an specific software tool, this conversation as been “tailored” by several participants already, that is way I am screen capturing it, so you can see what we are talking about at least from this point on.

Note: The conversation can not be pasted here due to the user agreement we signed but let me summarize it for you:

Guy 1: Help, I need to know how to choose between expensive license product 1 and expensive license product 2.

Guy 2: Ask your local expensive product SALES department for advice.

Guy 1: Thanks your advice was great and it worked wonders for my project.

Raul Lapeira: Guys are you fucking kidding me!?

Ironically Guy 1 and Guy 2 were from Indian origin, what makes them seem cooler as if they where Spanish like me… thumbs up if you are dumb enough to buy that shit!.