En software, no desprecies lo que funciona

La historia de Final Fantasy XIV es un ejemplo de proyecto de software destrozado por un equipo de proyecto ajeno a la realidad que pretendía encontrar la panacea donde ya no había mucho que inventar.

While Yoshida obviously can’t speak for what the original team intended to create, he noted that when he joined the project he realized that the previous team had created something that wasn’t Final Fantasy XI, wasn’t EverQuest, wasn’t Ultima Online, nor was it World of Warcraft. In doing so, they created a game that wasn’t really anything and didn’t take into account many of the established MMO standards. With version 2.0, Yoshida is looking to incorporate many of the accepted ‘global standards’ familiar to MMO players, such as those belonging to game UI, controls, and elements of gameplay, and meld that with the Final Fantasy universe. The intention is to give the game a more familiar MMO foundation while also giving players the Final Fantasy experience they know and love.

¿Te suena esta situación en algún proyecto español de software? jeje. La historia resumida aquí: http://www.mmorpg.com/gamelist.cfm/game/446/feature/6483