Google Panda & Google Penguin, I love you

Unique visitors to our sites are on an all time peak in the last months, not only does Alexa and Google search list us much better than last year but even better: everyone in the SEO world is disappointed about these changes and I love it.

SEO has become related with tricking Google to believe your pages are better than they really are, “optimizing websites for search engines” does not seem much user oriented, it is mostly about hiding the truly nonexistent quality of the content.

I am thinking of sites like, which are crowded with ads and recently have started to remove all the links from the answers given to the users questions in an attempt to prevent the lose of web placement from those outgoing links. Most of the times answers from are copy-pastes of other sites, so there is a reason for this blackout.

The question is that, if Google algorithm goes as good as it should, it should detect those copied texts even if they are not directly linked to the original site. I love it much more!.