– In a public local government (less than 8 millions habitants) they had 200 VM servers running Tomcats, PHP and Apache, quite inefficient software it was.
– In our cluster farms we have customers who use applications waaaay back to java 1.3, and at the same time we create new projects with Java 6,7 and 8, some even use way dated JNI interfaces “for reasons” and maintaining that is pretty fu**ing complicated, we try automating things from time to time but when we do usually new requirements come that make the scripts go out of date.
– The Godaddy JVM architecture before their virtualized standalone servers (around 2008) was laughable, they restarted shared JVMs every 24 hours, no matter who, no matter what… talking about bad procedures, based on bad ideas.
– Banks in Spain use a lot of Java, they have big distributed solutions with Tomcat, Websphere, Weblogic and even with different versions that require SSO, ESB integration and that works awfully bad because it is usually programmed by underpaid programmers in sub-subcontracted companies.
– The Madrid bicycle renting solution (@bicimad) uses Tomcat, it got quite popular when Tomcat 7 was down the very day it went public, it even got better when a couple of days later they had Tomcat 6 exposed to the public ?! and in the meantime someone found a private key hanging from a public directory… freaking awesome guys I guess.