El E-Commerce en las grandes españolas y su futuro cercano
Is a timely coincidence that the same day I flight for consultancy on WebSphere Commerce to central Europe, El Pais publishes a special report about the limitations of E-Commerce in Spain. I will make an introduction for those who are not related: when the crisis began in 2008, several retailers and large Spanish companies felt […]
My wishlist for WebSphere Commerce 8
So if I was to change things in WebSphere Commerce for the 8th release, what would it be? The BOD commands model needs to die and a spring like mechanism independent of the DB needs to come in. Also complex and bad JET templates needs to go out The NVP command layer can be kept, […]
La guerra de la moda
Ya ha salido el ejemplar de Noviembre de la revista “Emprendedores” y llama la atención que dediquen un par de páginas a la “Guerra de la Moda”. La guerra de la moda empieza en una ecuación: Caída de ventas + Reducción de costes + Nuevos actores online = Distribuidores nacionales volcados en Internet. Primero teníamos […]